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Cure Computer Vision Syndrome with These 7 Eye Care Tips

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Computer Vision Syndrome with These 7 Eye Care Tips

In the digital age, our daily lives have become linked with screens, whether children, teenagers, or adults. The widespread shift to online platforms has led to an unprecedented increase in screen time. Many of us must stare at screens for extended hours, sometimes as much as nine or ten hours a day because of work or studies.

However, this constant screen time comes at a cost it takes a toll on our eye care. If you're someone who uses a computer a lot, you might have experienced what's known as computer vision syndrome. It's when your eyes tire from looking at screens for too long. You could end up with tired, dry eyes or even headaches. The good news is that experiencing computer vision syndrome doesn't require giving up screen time altogether.

Now, we will provide the meaning of computer vision syndrome with eye care tips to cure digital eye strain.

What is Computer Vision Syndrome?

Computer vision syndrome, commonly known as digital eye strain, is a well-recognized problem associated with eye care. If you spend extended hours at a computer, you might experience fuzzy vision and find it challenging to switch your focus between close-ups and distant objects. Headaches behind the eyes are also prevalent, and you might encounter other physical discomforts like neck and shoulder aches.

When gazing at a digital screen, your eyes must put in extra work to stay focused. That's because the text on digital screens could be clearer than what you see in a printed book.

Adding to the challenge, digital screens tend to pick up reflections and glare, making it even tougher for your eyes to focus comfortably. If you are glued to a digital screen for two hours or more without a break, you're more likely to experience computer vision syndrome.

Now, some other things can increase your chances of getting digital eye strain. These include:

  • Using digital screens every single day
  • Having less-than-ideal lighting around you
  • Dealing with glare or reflections on the screen
  • Not getting your vision issues sorted out (like long-sightedness or astigmatism)
  • Sporting the wrong prescription glasses
  • Not keeping your screen at the right distance or angle
  • Slouching or sitting poorly

And, if you're a heavy user of digital screens or already have an eye condition, your symptoms could be even more troublesome. So, it's a good idea to monitor your eye health, especially in these situations.

How Do You Cure Computer Vision Syndrome?

If you want to avoid or minimise eye strain, you can alter your approach to using digital screens. We will provide valuable tips that help protect your eyes from strain and discomfort.

Adjust Your Computer

To ensure your eyes stay comfortable, consider these practical steps:  

Screen Position: Set your computer screen at 20 to 28 inches from your eyes. Avoid sitting too close, as it can lead to eye strain. Position the screen slightly below your eye level, about 4 to 5 inches, and tilt the top backwards by 10 to 20 degrees. This helps you avoid tilting your neck upwards or downwards to view the screen.  

Enhanced Visibility: To make text and images on your device more accessible and easier to read, you can make a few adjustments. Try increasing the contrast, brightness, and font size. These simple changes can significantly reduce eye strain and make your screen time more comfortable.

Blink Frequently

Blinking is essential for keeping your eyes comfy because it helps spread moisture and mucus across them. When you don't blink enough, your eyes can dry and irritate. Surprisingly, you tend to blink less when focused on a computer or digital screen.

Remembering to blink regularly when you're on a computer or any digital device is a good idea. Taking short breaks from the screen is also important to give your eyes a much-needed break. Many of us inadvertently forget to blink while absorbed in the computer screen, often partially closing our eyelids or blinking less frequently. Blinking is like a natural eye moisturiser, preventing dryness and discomfort because the thin layer of tears on our eyes can quickly evaporate, leaving them feeling dry.

Use the Right Eyeglasses

If you wear eyeglasses, it is crucial to ensure that your prescription is accurate. Wearing an incorrect prescription can cause difficulty focusing correctly and increase your chances of suffering from eye strain and headaches. If your glasses are for distance, reading, or both, you may require a new prescription exclusively for viewing digital screens.

Reduce Screen Glare

Screen glare is a common problem when light reflects off your computer screen, typically from ceiling lights or sunlight through windows. Glare bouncing off walls and surfaces can lead to eye strain and discomfort. To deal with this, attaching an anti-glare screen to your monitor is a good idea.

You can easily address glare problems by closing curtains, pulling down shades, or shutting blinds to reduce external light. Using softer, lower-wattage light bulbs and dimming overhead lights can also help. Another helpful solution is adding a screen glare filter to your computer to minimise glare and make your screen time more pleasant.

Take Regular Breaks

One of the primary risk factors for computer vision syndrome is prolonged use of a digital screen. This can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, eye discomfort, and even neck and shoulder pain. To ease this discomfort and reduce your risk, taking regular breaks while working is essential.

Here's a simple routine to follow and enhance your eye comfort:

The 20-20-20 Rule: Every 20 minutes, make it a habit to take a 20-second break and shift your gaze to something around 20 feet away. This short pause allows your eyes to refocus and relax.

Scheduled 15-Minute Breaks: After two hours of continuous screen time, take a 15-minute break. Step away from your computer and redirect your focus to objects closer and farther away than your digital screen.

Non-Screen Activities: During these breaks, avoid looking at another digital screen. Instead, engage in non-screen tasks like organising your workspace or taking a brief stroll. These activities can help alleviate eye strain and provide a mental refresh.

Adjust Your Posture

Taking care of your posture is not only good for your body but also beneficial for your eyes, especially during long hours in front of a computer. Let's create a workspace that's friendly to both. Here are some easy tips to keep you comfortable and working efficiently:

Sit Up Straight: Keep your back straight and your ears aligned with your shoulders. There's no need to jut your head and neck forward.

Relaxed Shoulders: Let your shoulders stay relaxed, and avoid hunching or slouching forward. Stay at ease.

Screen Position: Adjust your computer screen to be below eye level. You don't want to be craning your neck or leaning forward to see it clearly.

Chair Height: Find a chair that lets your feet rest flat on the ground, with your knees about level with your hips or slightly higher.

Back Support: Choose a chair with good back support that cradles your spine comfortably. Think of it as your little comfort nook.

By following these straightforward steps, you're not just looking out for your posture but also giving your eyes a break.

Use Eye Drops

Lubricating eye drops are specifically crafted to keep your eyes comfortable and moist. You can easily purchase different lubricating eye drops to help ease dry eye symptoms.

However, if your eyes still feel dry or irritated even after using these drops, it's wise to consult your eye doctor. They can prescribe a product that may be more effective in alleviating your discomfort. Alternatively, you can explore an online chemist shop for suitable eye drops that relieve computer vision syndrome.

Avoid Computer Vision Syndrome with Proper Eye Care Methods

Computer vision syndrome, a prevalent concern among individuals devoting extended hours to digital screens, can result in a range of eye care discomforts.It can lead to various discomforts, such as eye fatigue, headaches, blurred vision, and dry eyes. Consider adjusting your screen and workspace to reduce glare to alleviate these symptoms. Regular blinking and using lubricating eye drops can help keep your eyes moist.Suppose you find excessive eye pain due to digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome. In that case, it is advisable to contact the healthcare practitioner offering various treatment options. A UK online pharmacy will help you find the facts and recommendations on resolving computer vision syndrome. Get an opportunity to connect with licensed healthcare professionals and a substantial array of treatment options; online chemist shops can offer lower prices and provide convenient answers to cure your digital eye syndrome efficiently.